I am Chantelle from Mi Chakra, I welcome you to learn a little more about me and the beautiful products you will come to love and make your own.
At some stage we all begin to question life and our existence in it, the thoughts crossing my mind at the time were that I have experienced negative emotions like sadness, stress, guilt, anxiety, depression, anger, hate, jealousy and so many more throughout my life that it would shadow or sometimes consume the positive. With so many alternative solutions like; medications and different psychological treatments, people have lost sight that finding inner happiness and peace cannot come from those external factors alone, that self-medicating and numbing your emotions is a short term solution. There comes a time when some of us transition from the traditional modern medicine form to self-healing and inner peace.

If your mind can cause you pain, then your mind can eliminate that pain,
Use the power of your mind; donât allow the mind to use power over you.

And this is where my journey began. If I could take an object, any object and give it a positive meaning, word or outcome, if I carried it with me every day, I slept next to it every night and I repeated itâs Mantra, a word, a sentence, a meaning I gave that object day in and day out. What do you think would happen? Well I would slowly begin to believe it, I would slowly begin to feel its power, and I would slowly begin to feel its energy. I know energy exists, I feel it in the presence of people, we all feel it. Those negative vibes when someone is having a bad day, or that happiness when you around someone thatâs happy and bubbly, thatâs their energy your feeling. You feed off of that energy, but you donât always want that energy, especially if it is negative energy.

So there it is, my first 7 Chakra diffuser bracelet, I ordered it online from overseas somewhere, I wasnât even sure I was going to receive it, it cost a lot and it didnât come with an explanation or an instruction leaflet. It didnât heal me instantly, I didnât put it on my arm and feel this deep inner peace and surrender to the world, there was no fireworks or energy display, there was nothing. Resorting to research as what to do with it now was complicated and time consuming. But none the less I persevered and that is what gave birth to Mi Chakra. An understandable all in one brand in aid of healing oneâs heart, adding beauty and meaning to life and a lifestyle change to go with it. At the end of the day you take that object and give it a meaning, itâs as simple as that. You take it one step and one day at a time.

I am going to take back my power, with my knowledge. I am going to take my crystal, my bracelet, worry beads, prayer beads, my object, Iâm going to name it, charge it, program it, give it intent, it doesnât matter what I call it Iâm going give this crystal a mission. A mission that will remind me every single day, why I wear it and why I believe in its power. I believe in its power because I gave it power, I believe in its energy because I gave it my energy.
 I gave it a mission!

"Everything is energy and thatâs all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics.â  - Albert EinsteinÂ

Everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency and that includes us. Some people have high frequency levels which radiate love, peace, compassion and kindness; some people have low vibrations and radiate more low-vibe emotions like anxiety, fear and anger.

Almost all vibrations are unstable and easily influenced. In humans this could mean that your personal vibration can easily be influenced when exposed to other vibrations like other people, social media, the news, traffic, the weather, good news, bad news, our own memories, etc.Â

Crystals on the other hand, have an extremely stable energy frequency that doesnât get influenced by these external factors. They are made up of a fixed, regularly repeating, and perfect geometric pattern of molecules. And they maintain their perfect stability with no effort. Exactly the opposite of our constantly changing, non-stable human nature. So why does the stability of a crystal matter? Well, more stable energy = more powerful energy. And powerful energy can influence the energies around it.Â

Wearing crystals can greatly benefit you and help to regulate and raise your vibration.